Snowflake Art

Having snow much fun with snowflakes!
water color with salt sprinkled on it

wood snowflake collage
shimmer water color with crayon resist
hot glue resist water color with Epsom salts
salt snowflake painting

Texture Snowflake: rice, rock salt, white sand, buffalo snow, opal glitter
coffee filter snowflake with liquid water color
foam snowflake collage

contact paper and tissue paper stained glass
salt and sand painted with water color
snowflake gak
snowflake snow globe in mini water bottle
salt dough snowflake collage

*Sparkling Snowflake collage materials

*Water color resist using hot glue

*Salt art snow flake to be painted with water color next week

*Dot paint coffee filter snowflakes (we sprayed the coffee filters with water to make the colors bleed)

*Foam snowflake collage

*Popsicle stick snowflake collage

*Masking tape snowflake painted with liquid water color and sprinkled with salt
